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April 22, 2024

List of collaborators

We have collated a list of people who have agreed that they are happy to share their email within the members network and to be approached by members for collaboration.


This list may be especially helpful if you are seeking collaborators for a Pump Prime Feasibility Grant application.

You can search by affiliation, name, subject (e.g. Computer Science, Bioengineering, Psychology) or category (e.g Stakeholder, Early Career Researcher).  For more specific information read the brief description of area of expertise or interest.


Link to the collaboration list 

Please do not share this link outside of the network.

If you would like to edit your listing please email the network.

If you would like to add your name and details to this list please follow this link.


Why not ask our Participatory Group their views?


Do you need to know more about the requirements, priorities and concerns of neurotechnology from those with first-hand ‘lived experience of neurodiversity’ ?


Why not ask our Participatory Group who have come forward to share their lived experience of neurodiversity, either because they are neurodivergent themselves or have a family member that is.

A key aim of the network is to put families and people with lived experience at the centre of the network to ensure that the neurotechnologies being developed are desired, responsible, and ethical from the outset.

Where possible, we encourage researchers to consult the Participatory Research Group during the design stage of interview schedules or surveys, to ensure that questions are easily understood by neurodivergent people or to get insights about possible missing areas for which input from neurodivergent people could be valuable.

If you would like to draw on this collective knowledge base, please contact the network directly.