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The ECR Network is led by Dr Rianne Haartsen and a committee of members working hard to meet the needs of our members.


Meet the ECR Committee. 


Our Early Career Researcher Network spans Research Assistants, PhD students and postdocs from different disciplines and Universities, to train the next generation of researchers in multi-disciplinary aspects of Neurotechnology.  The Early Career Researchers committee aims to support early career researchers in their career and skill development by listening to their needs and organising events to meet those needs.  With a growing membership of over 100 members and with an international reach these are exciting times.


The ECR Network organises:


A survey sent out at the beginning of the network revealed that early career researchers are eager to engage in mentorships. The committee have successfully set up the two rounds of 1-2-1 mentorships and small peer mentorship groups. Setting up these mentorships is done on a periodical basis where members are invited to sign up.  For more information follow this link

Seeking Mentors:

Due to the high demand of 1-2-1 mentorships and to ensure the best mentorship matches are found which are mutually beneficial we are always seeking new mentors to join the potential pool of people.  If you would like to offer to be a MENTOR and join this list please follow this link.

Lab Visits:

The ECR network have had two very successful lab visits to date, one at Birkbeck at the Toddler Lab, University College London and another at King’s College London.  See Rianne’s article on the recent KCL lab visit here

Public Engagement Workshop:

On the 25th April Dr Nick Puts lead an interactive workshop online to help ECR’s improve their confidence wit presentation and public speaking.  Lots and lots of insightful tips were shared.  See here for Eirini’s review of the day.

Up and Coming Events for the ECR Network:


We are open to any suggestions and ideas on how we can support early career researchers.  Please email the ECR Committee directly


To join the the Network and become an ECR member click here to join & choose your preferences


If you are already a R4N member and would like to join the ECR Network please email the network directly and copy in